Internal IR

In order for an Investor Relations programme to be successful it is imperative that the investment story is supported by management and senior officers of the organisation. It is therefore advised to confer with management of subsidiaries/operating companies when preparing an IR presentation to ensure buy in.

Internal aligment of company positioning

The public positioning needs to be aligned with the internal situation. Management of subsidiaries/operating companies have – similar to the members of the Executive Board – multiple external contacts and relationships who are all interested to hear about developments of and in the organisation. These managers therefore need to be aware of the storyline and focus of the IR programme and they need to be up to date on which information has been made public and which information is still confidential.

Internal IR sessions

Scheduling in regular internal IR sessions with the relevant target group of managers needs to be part of the IR programme. In addition, it is not unusual that management of operating companies is requested to present their business during capital market days. This can be achieved more easily if the IRO and the IR team have worked well on internal IR.

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