One-on-one meetings

Private meetings between management and/or the Investor Relations Officer (IRO) of a listed company and (current or potential) investors or analysts, are better known as "one-on-one" meetings.

Roadshows and one-on-one meetings

Whereas a roadshow consists of a number of organised one-on-one meetings during one or more days at a particular moment (e.g. after publication of results), individual one-on-ones can be organised, usually on the request of an investor, throughout the year.

Communicating with institutional investors, individual shareholders and the financial community is key to create a fair valuation of the company’s stock.

A one-on-one is not an obligatory meeting, but an additional meeting to give investors more background to certain developments, results or strategy, which gives them a better sense of the company’s direction.

During these meetings it is important that a company does not provide any price sensitive information.

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