Annual Report, Website and App Consultancies

Annual report, website and app consultancies can support the in-house IR and/or corporate communications department of a listed company.

The amount of content that companies are required to produce and disclose is increasing and so are the channels through which information is publicly available: corporate websites, annual reports and mobile apps.

In order to easily create and review the information with a team during the process of drafting the annual report for example, software tools are available to create, update and publish this information simultaneously on multiple channels.

Annual Report consultancies

Each listed company has to produce an annual report each year. This process of developing a concept, deciding on themes, drafting texts and designing the report takes up quite some time. There are a number of specialised consultancies that can advise on and support in this process. Services vary from corporate writing, concept development, layout and digital solutions to one-stop-shops that offer full services.

Website consultancies

A corporate website with a dedicated IR section is also an obligation for listed companies. There are various agencies, from freelancers to large professional agencies, that offer website services, ranging from designing and building to content.

App consultancies

During recent years, consultancies specialised in specific niche services such as mobile apps and interactive annual reports.

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